Hobos in Space

Two west side hobos talking in a vacuum, thinking they're funny.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Where We Are

What have we been up to?

1. Intermix 15% off coupon. And yet, Cass still managed to find the one item that was an exception to this discount. And Tiresias managed to score a pair of boots that still cost more than her hobo annual salary. Alas, she will not be buying coffee this week.

2. Visitors. Like every good hobo who subscribes to the your-bench-is-my-bench philosophy, we've been opening our cardboard boxes to anyone who wishes to stay with us. Even if it means sharing the floor with a dog that hasn't had a bath in over four weeks.

3. Work. And trying to make deadlines. And trying to deal with passive-aggressive co-workers. They steal, they cheat, they have an unhealthy mastery of Outlook, they come up behind you when you're reading blogs.

4. The Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular is actually quite spectacular.

5. We're not funny. We're sucked dry of ideas. Empty, juiceless sieves.

And we're done. This is all we've got to offer. We will be back with our usual effluvium of spleen, rants, angry bitter coursing with rancor. We've been busy, and sometimes down, and sometimes just plain sleepy. We slept on the job, we failed our captive audience, we failed in our duties to lay out the course of the future, and our updates on our little world and the world beyond have fallen to the wayside. We forgot to cover the elections. We should fire ourselves, is what we should do. But alas, we're too lazy. And you know what? We'll just say we needed a little break, and like every good CEO of a tidy little non-profit, we'll just pay ourselves a neat five hundred grand and cut the administrative staff benefits for the next fiscal year.


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