Hobos in Space

Two west side hobos talking in a vacuum, thinking they're funny.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

To those of you wondering where we are…

Tiresias and I have received your telepathic messages and we appreciate your concern.

We’re currently covering New York Fashion Week with all the other front row bloggers (see the NYT, WSJ, any paper for more on this new trend). White folding chair company includes all of our buddies, like the GFY girls and the Sartorialist (who I used to find really charming, but now smacks of too-big-for-his-britches; or is this sheer jealousy on my part?). Only, Tiresias and I are bypassing the perks and paychecks. It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. By the way, Jill Stuart’s French lingerie inspired spring line is lovely; imagine that? And so tales from the hobo crypt (all reports of subhuman non-gentlemanly behavior, pet peeves, pet tendencies, and movie reviews, profanity-littered top ten lists, and general rants against humanity) will have to wait until next week. Sigh.

As a general aside, the Bryant Park underground is looking good these days. In addition to being below the venerable library and the cleanest public restrooms in Manhattan (complete with bathroom attendants), the Bryant Park tunnels have lovely mosaics and quotes from Joyce that make our dorky, little, literary hearts skip a beat.


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